CI Mentorship Program Application Form: August 2025

After you have fulfilled the course requirements for the year-long Professional Online Training, you may apply for the formal 6-month Mentorship Program to develop your skills further, or to support you in your initial years of private practice.

If you are applying for the August 2025 block, please note the following deadlines:

Applications for the August 2025 Cohort are now open.

Please apply before July 5, 2025.

  • All graduates of the Professional Training are eligible to apply if all course completion requirements have been fulfilled by July 5, 2025.
  • You will need to submit a recent video (in gallery view, 20 minutes) of one of your CI sessions with a client (who has not been part of the CI training) as a component of your application to the Mentorship Program.

We will review your application by July 15th, 2025. If you are accepted, we will invite you to pay and select your top 3 choices of personal mentors by July 20th. We cannot guarantee that you will be paired with your first choice of personal mentor, but you will be partnered with one of your top 3 choices.

How Do You Qualify for the Mentorship Program?

Candidates for the Mentorship Program must:

  • have completed the course requirements for the professional online training
  • be registered with a professional regulatory body (The regulatory body you need for the Mentorship Program regulates your existing profession (before or concurrent with CI) in which the scope of practice includes counselling or life coaching or an occupation that includes one or the other or both.)
  • have completed at least 200 hours of a counselling, coaching or mental health focussed accredited program that includes at least 50 hours of basic counselling skills, OR a 200 hr accredited program in any allied health profession plus at least 50 hours of training in basic counselling skills. You will be asked to submit proof of certification and a curriculum outline. This requirement is for those who began their CI training in or after February 2023.
  • be legally able to practice CI within your professional scope of practice and in your jurisdiction
  • have liability insurance that covers Compassionate Inquiry.
  • have an active clinical practice, currently seeing clients (minimum 5 per week)

Payment Options:

  • One payment of $2700.00 CAD
  • 3 payments of $935.00 CAD per month, over 3 months
  • 5 payments of $560 CAD per month, over 5 months

Click here for more info on the Mentorship Program.

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